Teaching Christ centered love in a counter-cultural way…

Choose Your Path


Wives In Training Cohort

WIT is designed for single women that desire biblical marriage. This program is ideal for women that have been stuck in dating patterns that have yielded very little results. Click the learn more button to be notified about the next Wives in Training Informational!


Husbands In Training Cohort

HIT is designed for single men that desire biblical marriage. This program is ideal for marriage minded men that want a community that they can relate to, lean on, and grow with. Click the learn more button to be notified about the next Husband in Training Informational!


Married In Training Cohort

MIT is designed for married couples that want a Christ centered community to help them navigate the ups and downs of marriage? Click the learn more button to be notified about the next Marriage In Training Informational!


Each week we will dive into topics that will help challenge and stretch each person to grow into becoming a person after God’s own heart. At the end of this eight-week course you will have all the keys needed to understand your thoughts and patterns in a more biblical way.

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